
Filosofia não...palhaçada sim!

Curas e purificações!
Dentro do vasto universo do Yôga há quem dê muito espaço e ênfase ao suposto poder curativo e purificador do Yôga.

Demais na minha opinião!

É devido ao mercantilismo utilitário e manipulador de sentimentos de culpa e pecado em relação à própria vida.

É um mercado garantido: problemas de saúde são eternos. Desespero perante eles também. Busca de soluções fáceis e miraculosas são recorrentes e nelas se investe muito $ com poucas perguntas e muita fé! Charlatães esfregão as mãos…
É uma febre de curas e purificações. Corporais e espirituais!

Fico pasmo! Gente nova… Gente nova que adora purificar-se através do Yôga?!!

Mesmo sabendo dos hábitos típicos dos nossos dias faz-me impressão. Serão assim tão doentes? Serão assim tão impuros? É assim que se vêem? Parece-me mais alguma culpa a querer ser expiada…Ou então simplesmente gostam de brincar ás limpezas!

Parece que seria mais inteligente, barato e simples não se sujarem, construindo bons hábitos de vida. Mas não! Se assim fosse não teriam motivos para empreender tão espectaculares lavagens…(ao cérebro?!)! Lavagens que praticam com tanto fanatismo como o entusiasmo com que divulgam tais praticas.

E assim se menciona a filosofia Yôga num contexto leviano de purificações e curas. Como medecina. Alternativa…Tristeza.

Há algum tempo, num chat, troquei pontos de vista sobre o assunto:

Yôga is not for healing. A person who is sick must not pratice Yôga.

If you are sick than you must get well before you pratice. Any meanings are ok. There are many different and wonderful therapies out there. Including Ayurvêda, which is indian, and, like yoga, is a part of Hindu culture.

Why mix and confuse everything? It’s not necessary.”

About the subject, one more contribution…

If “Whatever helps the body, the mind and the "soul"” is medicine (or alternative medicine) than, make love is medicine. Have fun with your friends is medicine. Contemplate a nice piece of art is medicine. Practice a martial art is medicine. Jogging is medicine. Eating is medicine…Anything positive is medicine!!?!

To me, medicine is anything that brings you to your normal, to your medium capacities, to your common health when you are down. Medicine brings you to normal.

Yôga is not for that. It’s very good to PREVENT sickness. To stay well and GO FURTHER. To have more energy than normal. Canalise it to more concentration, so that it’s possible to meditate easier. So that it’s possible to go even further.

To me is not easy to understand why so many people are so interested in purification, and in “get well” with Yôga. Looking at your photo you appear to be beautiful and with good health. Doesn’t look like you need medicine. You are in perfect shape for…Yôga. For Yôga to leads into extra capacities, into philosophy, self-knowledge, which is even more interesting (not more important) that medicine!”


As I said before , in my opinion, Yôga is NOT alternative medicine. It’s not a medicine at all.

Once again. If you want to approach medicine in a more psychological and spiritual way, than you better search for Ayurvêda. That uses some techniques that yôga also use, but in this case for healing, or at least to maintain health.

Yôga techniques exist for give the practitioner more energy, and canalise it for more concentration and meditation, which end up give you the samádhi, the self- knowledge, liberation…

There are no need to confusing booth systems. Are two different things. With different proposals, and ways of acting.

Medicine is very respectable and important but is not philosophy!”
Acho que mais esta troca de ideias não mudou nada! As ideias feitas são quase intransponiveís.

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