
Symbiotic. Ambiguous. Paradox!

“Nothing is so similar as the opposites: …they have much in common. They do not necessarily duel to dead. These two dance. One leads, the other follows, although it’s not always apparent which is which, and who is doing what. Each contains genes of the other. The pollen of failure fertilizes the stamen of success.”

“All these concepts are far less clear than we usually imagine…. The harder we look at them, the fuzzier they became.”

“Rather then trying to hang the label on every act recognize that most situations contains elements of each. It’s not success or failure but success and failure. …both/and are far more useful concept than either/or.”

“Westerns tend to think in absolutes. If it’s hard, it can’t be soft. If it’s cold it can’t be hot. You are a winner or a loser. To succeed you mustn’t fail. Opposites, in other words, can’t coexist.

Eastern thought is more relax on this point. It embraces paradox: yin-yang; sweet and sour, the symbol of crisis embracing opportunity. Such concepts accept seeming contradictions as normal.”

In The innovation paradox, by Richard Farson and Ralph Keyes

Exactamente o que penso…

1 comment:

PsiTra said...

Esta é uma perspectiva excelente para o dia-dia. Concordo plenamente. Apenas no domínio metafísico perde um pouco o thrust...